A Simple Guide to SharePoint Exchange Calendar

a simple guide to sharepoint exchange calendar

Microsoft SharePoint has been of great benefit to many businesses of late, providing them with the best environment to create websites that help promote their businesses to the next level. SharePoint has now adopted new developments such as SharePoint Exchange Calendar, which contains metadata relating to appointments, reminders, and events.  

To learn more about this interesting topic below is a simple guide to the SharePoint Exchange Calendar. 

What Is a SharePoint Exchange Calendar? 

The SharePoint event calendar is a powerful tool that allows SharePoint users to manage appointments, reminders, and events. Multiple calendars can be created in one place, each serving different purposes.

You can distinguish the calendars with different departments. For example, the sales and marketing calendar, the human resources calendar, the training calendar, and so on. This helps administrators develop organized approaches to specific team meetings and projects. 

The SharePoint Exchange Calendar is a broad topic to cover all at once. To learn more, you can check out what VirtoSoftware says for a better understanding. 

Features of a SharePoint Exchange Calendar

The SharePoint event calendar has several features that make managing events much easier. The following are some of them.

  •   SharePoint calendar overlay – The purpose of this feature is to combine all the SharePoint calendars and provide a unified view of future events and reminders. Since every business has different needs, overlays can be entirely formulated to suit your specific requirements. 
  •   Outlook synchronization – The unique feature of the SharePoint Exchange Calendar is that you can combine it with your Outlook Calendar. The combination means you can still manage your calendar from both sides and receive all the services offered. 
  •   Calendar rollup – This feature allows you to combine up to ten different calendars from different sources into a single area. The data will be displayed on a single screen, simplifying the work submission process.

How to Create a SharePoint Exchange Calendar 

There are several steps in creating a SharePoint Exchange Calendar. They include the following. 

  •   Obtain the required access permissions – The creation of a SharePoint Exchange Calendar is limited to a few people like the managers. You first have to get permission and ensure you are creating a calendar at a public site. If you create a calendar at a different site, your fellow team members will have challenges accessing information. The site administrator will be in charge of issuing access to the created calendar, and they might limit others from accessing it for easier management. 
  •   Create a base calendar – By navigating through the site, you are going to find the button for a new calendar and then click the calendar. This is where you are going to create your new calendar. You have the option of creating a personal SharePoint or a group SharePoint Exchange Calendar. You will create it by submitting the calendar name and description and defining the calendar type. 
  •   Add users to the calendar – After creating the calendar, it is now time to add users. Users can be added to the created calendar in SharePoint by selecting some of the people who appear in the pop-up box. Due to security concerns, you are unable to add external addresses. As a result, your users must be team members.    


SharePoint Exchange Calendar is an essential tool that has benefited many organizations in many ways. The above article covers some of the most important details about SharePoint calendars. The next time you want to include this feature, do not hold back because the advantages are worth a shot.    

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