New Beginning for Dezzain in 2013

By: Toms Bau?is

Just when you thought the site are dead and not updated since 2011, I’m back for more development for I started the site and used it as my personal blog back in 2006 but been caught up in busy schedule in works and family feud 🙂 nevertheless i’m happy to getting back on blogging and writing some tutorials on wordpress, buddypress or even rant on how my life going, its more interesting that way.

Will i release more Free WordPress or BuddyPress Themes?
well with all the latest free wordpress and buddypress themes out there with all their fancy ui, theme options, shortcode, 1 millions options to tweak your designs. The competition are very wide. Will see how the development goes but don’t worry i will definitely release 1-2 free themes soon.

Where have i been in couple of years?
I’ve been working with incsub since 2006 but sadly ended the employment back in April 2012, after that i’ve been starting working with media world agency from Singapore and doing their online web and graphic designs work until i ended the work contract in February 2013. The work are constantly on tight schedule so i ended the work to start some lighter and freelance work.

Anyhow again i’m happy to start some freelance work with bunch of my net friends and hopefully we can start something great this year and year ahead.

best of luck!!!

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