4 Tips for Developing Digital Marketing Strategies for 2018

Advancement in technology is disrupting the way companies conduct their businesses – take for instance the switch to internet fax; and the increasing move to a mobile first internet.

In fact, 2018 is going to be a heck of a year of big shakeups in the digital marketing ecosystem. With large platforms like Facebook and Google announcing a massive update to their news feed algorithm that will affect how and what contents get displayed on users’ feeds and the expected rollout of the mobile-first indexing respectively.

These changes according to industry watchers are going to have a significant ripple effect across board impacting how marketers approach their tasks and how users interact with contents on the platforms.

Since most marketing officers would be updating their marketing strategies while taking into considerations the new changes; it’s imperative to share these ideas that would give them some breather with their job.

digital marketing strateges tips guides 2018

Below Are 4 Tips for Developing Digital Marketing Strategies for 2018:

#1: Focus on Answering Your Customers’ Questions

Bear in mind that the new updates coming to most of the online marketing platforms are due in part to improving the user experience. So, it does make sense then, to keep customers at the center of all marketing activities.

Whether it’s a website optimization, tweaking of a landing page or even redesigning of the business website – all of these must be focused on providing a top-rated user experience for site visitors and customers.

While at it, make it easy for customers to reach out by adding toll free numbers or an email form on your contact page.

Hence, to crush your online marketing goals for 2018, you must laser focus on providing value to your customers while also staying accessible to them.

#2: Optimize Your Contents for Mobile

As at the last count mobile accounts for over 57 percent of global web traffic, this trend is expected to continue. Also, Google is expected to switch over to prioritizing mobile contents, this means no online marketer worth their salt can afford to ignore mobile marketing any longer – it’s now a matter of survival.

So, while going over your strategy for the year, be sure to make optimizing contents for mobile a top priority.

#3: Leverage Content Marketing as a Lead Generation Tool

Moving into 2018, most marketers believe content marketing is the single most significant marketing activity that would yield the greatest return on investment for their businesses.

Content marketing has been proven to be a relatively in-expense method for growing brand equity, influence and keeping the wheels of lead funnel churning with hot leads.

#4: Utilize Facebook Live

It’s a no-brainer having video contents as part of the overall digital marketing strategy for the year. However, from a recent report, most marketers are stuck with deciding what form the videos should take – will whiteboard animations work? What about doing a full video shoot? Or how will the audience receive a live video?

The thing is, those are valid concerns, but we believe that researching your target audience and understanding their behavior is critical in determining what video format they’d prefer.

However, the video content that has performed significantly well is Facebook Live. When compared to other video formats; Facebook Live has 3x their reach. Again at the end of the broadcast, you can decide to keep the video, thereby making it available to customers who weren’t able to watch the live streaming.

Wrapping it all up

The digital marketing landscape is going to see massive changes in 2018, to survive marketers must focus on the customer, provide highly engaging and valuable contents.

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