Benefits of Computer Vision Consulting and How to Choose the best Computer Vision Services Vendor

Computer vision

Computer vision is becoming increasingly used across various industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, education, security, and automation. With its increasing use, the computer vision software and hardware market is growing, expecting to reach $48.6 Billion by 2022.

The possibility of gaining relevant information from a large database of videos and images supports accuracy in disease detection and makes self-driving vehicles a reality.

However, these benefits also come with the challenges of applying computer vision to solve problems within a business. Businesses can leverage computer vision services from consultants to overcome such challenges and improve project success.

Benefits of engaging a computer vision services vendor

The benefits of using a computer vision services vendor for your business include:


You can find people with the expertise needed to handle your computer vision needs. Instead of having to train data science staff within your company and equipping them with the needed resource, you can engage the services of experts.

Saves Time and Cost

You can hasten your development pace and process when you get computer vision services from a vendor. You could also save the cost that comes with experimenting because there’s a possibility that the vendor you work with is experienced in handling your kind of project.

Improved data management 

The process of collecting and labeling images for computer vision can be taxing. However, a computer vision service vendor will find it easier to process such data in a way that is suitable for your computer vision project needs.

They also know how to use the right privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) to secure your data and ensure the privacy of your customers.

What are the important considerations for choosing a computer vision service vendor?

Computer vision is a promising field, as much as it is an expertise-driven field. So, you need to get the right hands, skills, and expertise to work for your business or company if you want the best results at the end of the process.

Here’s what you should look out for:

Relevant Domain Expertise

The vendor you engage in delivering computer vision services for your company should not have only general expertise but also expertise that is related to your industry, business nature, and objectives.

Also, ensure that the vendor is experienced with handling such software as SimpleCV, TensorFlow, and OpenCV. They should also know about using technologies like convolutional neural networks, NLP, and OCR.

Regulatory Compliance

Always ensure that the vendor complies with all the necessary regulations, including HIPAA and GDPR, so that they can deliver computer vision services that are ethical and legal.


Find out how much the vendor will need to develop and deploy a computer vision model for your business and also maintain and manage the model over time. It should fall within your business’ budget.

Existing hardware

What hardware and equipment does the computer vision vendor already have? The more hardware they already possess, the fewer things you’ll need to procure or purchase.

Model Support 

Over time, the accuracy of a computer vision model is prone to accuracy degradation. When this happens, you need to be sure that the vendor is available to implement model support to improve accuracy.


Always work with vendors who have positive references for computer vision services they have rendered in the past. Look through their project portfolio and consider successful projects.

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